Tuesday 1 April 2014

Narnia is Awesome

I love the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. I have read nearly all of them: The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, The Horse and His Boy, The Silver Chair, and The Last Battle. Even though I haven't read them all I have watched the four BBC interpretations of the four most known books and also the newer versions. I discovered the series in the library at school the other day and so I made one of my friends start to read them. I thought, why not start reading them again, and over the weekend I read The Silver Chair and The Last Battle.

(Warning: spoilers ahead...if you haven't read The Chronicles of Narnia and you want to, don't keep reading because I talk about what's happening in the last 2 books a little bit)

I love the style of writing C. S. Lewis has chosen to do. The story is told by the view of a storyteller, recounting the stories and adding his own little spin offs here and there. I especially like the use of brackets in The Silver Chair, in particular where Eustace Scrubb, Jill Pole and Puddleglum are having dinner with the not-known-then Prince Rillian. The Prince is mad, and during his long tale of how he got is madness and his curse, brackets are used to add little interruptions that The Prince himself says, (Honest Frogfoot, your cup is empty. Suffer me to refill it.) He interjects things like that into an important story he is trying to tell, which makes him seem even madder than he already is.

The Last Battle is a great ending to the series and the reader is left to imagine how wonderful the new Narnia is. There are only minimal descriptions which allows you to "see" the place in many different ways. I really like the religious ties this series has and how the new Narnia is kind of like a heaven, the true intended home for its inhabitants.

I can't stress how much I really love these stories enough. I am going to get out the first one again, Magician's Nephew...after my friend has finished with it of course :)